Acupuncture for Addiction, Pain, Injury, and Weight Loss
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been used for more than 2,500 years to positively influence energy flow and heal the body. Despite its ancient origins, modern medicine supports the use of acupuncture; extensive research has found significant scientific and measurable merit in the use of acupuncture to achieve pain relief and promote wellness, relaxation, and healing. If you have been involved in an accident or suffer from chronic headaches or need pain management in Marietta GA, James Granger, MD of Acupuncture and Injury is pleased to offer medical Acupuncture For Weight Loss as part of our comprehensive medical services.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific acupuncture points on the body. In Chinese medicine, these points provide access to meridians, or channels of energy within the body, allowing the acupuncturist to address issues with energy flow that are causing pain or other conditions. Modern medicine has determined that acupuncture causes the body to release beneficial chemicals by stimulating the nervous system and affecting certain areas of the brain. These effects can in turn reduce feelings of pain, promote stress relief, lower blood pressure, and prompt or speed natural biological healing. During acupuncture, heat or a mild electrical current may be used to further stimulate the nervous system to achieve the desired results.
Why see a Medical doctor for Acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern ( Western) Medicine both have their Pros and Cons. Seeing a medical doctor that is able to use the “ best of both worlds” is better for the patient.
Pros | Cons | |
Western Medicine | Differentiates disease processes Side effects from therapy Good for Trauma & Infections Does not CURE disease More familiarity in the US |
Side effects from therapy Does not CURE disease Costly Medications |
Chinese Medicine processes | Fewer side effects (if any) | Does not differentiate disease |
Can reverse or cure disease | Not as useful for trauma | |
Can be Preventive in Nature | Numerous office visits often required |
Conditions Treated by Acupuncture
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness as a treatment for several ailments, including acute and chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, and stress or fatigue. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture in Marietta GA, please call Acupuncture and Injury at 678.247.2115.