Suboxone Clinic & Opioid Dependency Doctor in Marietta GA and Atlanta Area

Addiction Treatment In GeorgiaAs a Suboxone Clinic, we know opioid dependence is a common affliction that involves numerous physical, psychological, and social changes, and can have a very negative effect on individuals who are struggling with it. Fortunately, there is hope for those with opioid dependence through what is typically a long-term Addiction Treatment process In Georgia. One aspect of this process that can be highly effective is buprenorphine, which is a drug that binds to the same receptors as opioid drugs. By mimicking the effects of other opioids, and alleviating craving and withdrawal symptoms, it allows you to address the other causes of your addiction and start on the path towards recovery. 

Please remember the following for your visit when treating dependency in Marietta, Georgia

  • If you have previously been treated with Buprenorphine, please bring the name and address of your doctor.
  • We cannot accept walk-in or same day appointments for addiction treatment in Georgia.
  • Chronic Opiate use can lead to numerous hormone deficiencies that we can diagnose and treat at Acupuncture and Injury.

To discuss opioid addiction treatment services, please call Dr. James Granger at our addiction treatment center in Marietta Georgia. Schedule your appointment today! (678) 247-2115.

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