What is electro-acupuncture?
Simply put, electro-acupuncture is the addition of electrical current to acupuncture needles placed into acupuncture points. It can also be called P.E.N.S. (Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) when the target is the nerve pathway rather than the acupuncture channel. There is a correlation between acupuncture meridians (pathways) and nerve pathways but, it is only about 70%.
So, why the addition of electricity? The electrons (electricity) passing through the needles is directed either by nerve or acupuncture pathways to the desired treatment area to promote healing. The frequency and strength of the electricity can be adjusted to cause the body to either secrete certain chemicals or aimed directly at specific tissues.
These points can be accessed directly on the body or by the use of ear acupuncture points.The needles provide a vehicle to overcome the skin’s resistance to electricity (between 1000 and 100,000 Ω) and allow the needed amount of electricity to enter the body and promote healing.
The specific condition and the length of the condition’s presence, influences the frequency selected and the length of treatment. Generally, 85% or more of patients will notice a change within the first 24 hours after their initial treatment. As visits continue, the effects of treatment last longer.