Acupuncture and Injury were founded in 2009 with the vision of meeting specific healthcare needs in Marietta GA and in the Atlanta area. Our highly experienced and compassionate providers provide unparalleled care to individuals who have sustained Auto Injury Treatment, slip and fall injuries, and injuries from workplace accidents. Our medical and Pain Management Doctors understand the unique needs of accident patients, including the link between serious or chronic injuries and substance abuse. We offer compassionate drug Addiction Treatment In Georgia, along with the care of the original injury. At Suboxone Treatment Centers, patients can also access hormone replacement therapy in Atlanta, following the completion of initial lab work.
Dr. Granger and the rest of our team have more than 15 years of experience in the healthcare field. We are dedicated to making quality healthcare accessible for all by offering affordable pricing, a convenient location, and minimal wait times. In the event that a patient’s medical care needs call for attention from a specialist, our center works closely with a local network of specialists, including chiropractors.