Silent Secret Infections

Many people visit our office with chronic conditions that are many times unexplained in their origin or why they suddenly became worse. These situations are often either ignored by conventional Western medical practice or treated only by increasing or adding prescription medications. Many times these conditions such as; headaches, fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue can be traced to a “silent secret infection” that isn’t addressed in traditional medical practice.

As this “silent secret infection” isn’t looked for it is often missed. Our office has the advantage of combining Eastern and Western medicine to facilitate a life of being “pain free without pillsTM.

So what is the “silent secret infection”?  Well, is maybe all in your head. Literally! Because that’s where your teeth are! Simply put, the dental aspect of health is overlooked and previous dental surgery can be the cause or exacerbate your condition.

Using Chinese medicine’s correlation between teeth meridians and the body we are able to correlate symptoms with previous or current dental conditions.

After the condition is identified, we treat it and dental pain if it exists.  We then make a referral to a dentist or oral surgeons for a cone beam CT Scan. It’s important that a cone beam CT scan be done and not just a regular panoramic x-ray. The cone beam, CT scan has higher resolution needed to visualize the conditions we are looking for.

What are the conditions we are looking for? The two “Big ones” are: Cavitations from previous tooth extractions (wisdom teeth) and failed root canals that have gone undiagnosed.

If you have a chronic painful condition that has gone on without relief: Call us for an appointment and we will get you scheduled for your initial consultation and acupuncture treatment. Don’t let this “secret silent infection“ continue.

Call us today! 678-247-2115

Veteran Discounts

As with regular acupuncture, cash pay Veterans or widow/widowers of veterans receive 50% the cost of their treatment cost.

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